
The Warehouse Studio Theatre

The Warehouse Studio Theatre

When Worlds Collide

Woman and Scarecrow

‘A Night in November’
An 뒤트임후기
ITG Award-winning Production
A dozen very varied characters were pow뒤트임부작용
erfully and dramtically brought to life in this one-man show by four-time FEATS Best Actor awa남자뒤트임
rd winner, Caraigh McGregor. From the irritable, cantankerous, bile-filled and bitter, to the inner-child, and finally 뒤트임가격
he suddenly liberated and self-enlightened – this dramatic tour de force delivers even more than it promises.밑트임
Caraigh and Csaba with their FEATS awardsWriter Marie Jones is certainly well-known for using humour쌍꺼풀뒤트임
– much of it, admittedly, on the dark side – to perceptivel
y explore serious ideas. From laughter to tears and right back again, Kenneth Norman McCa눈밑트임
llister takes us on his gripping journey of personal discovery. Firmly set in the Troubles-infli비절개 밑트임
cted Belfast, this play revisits the build-up to the 199밑트임전후
4 FIFA World Cup.
This must-see production is certainly as relevant “here and now” as it was “there and then”…a slo뒤밑트임
w and oft-troubled journey from prejudice and hatred to tolerance and mutual respect – a journey still applicable to today’s modern눈밑지방재배치
world with all its challenges and predicaments.After its incredible s
ccess at the FEATS amateur dramatics festival this year, Caraigh 다크서클없애는법
McGregor and Csaba Bartos jumped at the chance of showing this wonderful production to the Brussels community.눈밑꺼짐

‘Afterplay ‘
11-15 October, you will have another chance to see FEATS 2016 winner, ‘The London Vertigo’ a
ong w
ith ‘Afterplay’, as part of a Brian Friel double-bill at the Wareh눈밑주름
ouse Studio Theatre
A one-act play to be directed by Lyn Wainw눈두덩이지방제거
right and performed 11-15 October 2016 as part of a Friel double-bill.
Two characters from two different Chekhov plays meet for the first time approximately
twenty years after their previous fictional lives ended
Sonya: fro
m Uncle Vanya is still struggling with the estate but is now in
r forties.
Andrey: from
Three Sisters still claims to play the violin but is now a little older an상안검
d in his fifties

Owen 하안검
McCafferty is Northern Ireland’s leading playwright and in상안검수술
his hands this quiet story of our times becomes a riveting piece of the상안검수술비용
Lyn Wainwright, director of this production, saw the Abbey Theatre’s prod상안검 효과
uction at the Edinburgh Fringe in August 2013 (where it won a coveted F
inge First for new writing from the Scotsman) and has rece하안검 효과
ntly obtained the performance rights.
After winning almost universal plaudits from succeeding tours in Irela안검하수
nd and in the UK we will have the opportunit안검하수 수술
y to see her direction of Quietly at the Warehouse Studio theatre from 3 to 7 November안검하수수술
The dramatic story is about what happened in a mean-street bar in Belfast 코성형
in 1974, but the back-story is the seemingly eternal fudging of the issues 코성형가격
of truth and reconciliation that are universal and have resonances from the Good Friday agr코성형후기
eement and South Africa in the 1990s to Iraq/Syria and Israel/Palestine today. “There’s more to the truth than fac코성형외과
ts” Ian.
Quietly is tightly concentrate콧대성형
d: seventy-five minutes, three characters, one act. The discussion ranges across time and memory
s the two protagonists, Jimmy and Ian tell their코성형 효과
life stories.
But this is not the beginning of a beautiful friendship, more the 코성형 부작용
reaching of a plateau of understanding. After which they return to their lives.
As everyon코성형 보형물 종류
e knows the Irish need to talk. All the action takes place in the bar manned by the third man,코 보형물 종류
Robert, as he says “Everyone shouts here…its the national sport”. Robert’s Polish identity 코성형 비용
provides him with observer status, also allowing us insights from the outside.가슴성형

A Dublin Bloom (2012)
Directed by Colma O’Luanaigh
가슴성형 비용
The Irish Theatre Group is proud of all the cast, crew and audie가슴보형물 종류
nce that came along to share in the experience that was “A Dublin B가슴성형보형물 종류
loom” our staging of an original and free adaptation of James Joyce’s “Ulysses“ by Dermot Bolge가슴성형 효과
At 8am on 16th June 1904, Leopold Bloom 가슴성형 후기
goes out in search of kidneys for breakfast and finds immortality. Joyce’s Ulysses captures the essence of Dublin, find가슴성형 부작용
ing the stuff of myth in the everyday. Funny, ribald, intellectual
nd earthy, Bolger’s A Dublin Bloom recreates Joyce’s epic for the theatre.리프팅

A Night in November – November 2014 – Kraainem

Behind the scenes photos of A Night in November

Interview with director Csaba Bartos
he midst of preparations for A Night in Novemb
(November 12-14 2015), our chairperson, William, nabbed Direc
Csaba Bartos, and asked him a
ew questio
e heard:
Csaba, can you tell us what first drew you to this play A Night in Novembe
r and to the ITG to produce it? Have you a particular interest in Northern Ireland politics and ‘the troubles’?
Director Csaba BartosI’m th
of person who gets interested in almost everything. From v
of kittens being fascinated by their tails to serious investigations, I absorb new information trying to understand human behaviour, human nature. So, I cannot say that I have a particular interest i
Northern Irish politics, for me A Night in November has a more u
versal theme. Even though it’s set in the period of the Troubles, it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen or it’s not happening somewhere else in the world. T
he story is about the journey of self‑awareness of a person, about stereotypes and prejudices nurtured and maintained in ma
ny societies, groups, communities. I wanted to capture the str엑소좀
uggle of any individual who tries to get past and see beyond these prejudices in our society, in our times. To present and talk about the Troubles is the job of analysts 엑소좀 효과
and historians; theatre should raise and try to answer questions such as why is hatred and segregation still present among us, how can we deal with them, and what should we do to avoid the same mistakes?
Actor Caraigh McG엑소좀 비용
regor reading the script
Do you think this Kenneth in the play is a credible character? And his transformation after being witness to discrimination against another community?
Kenneth is one of us, an ordinary man, raised and educated to accept and live by the morals of h엑소좀 후기
is community and to reject ideas and behaviours which deviate from their principles. And still, he becomes a hero by being cap지방흡입
able of questioning his life and precepts, by being capable of change. His life turns upside down when he realises that his bubbl지방흡입 효과
e of normality is artificially maintained and is based on segregation, exclusion and hatred. Being witness of discrimination against another community is 지방흡입 비용
just the trigger – it is what forces him to question his identity and to begin his journey.
Caraigh and chair
팔뚝 지방흡입
When one thinks about nights in November…they can be a bit dreary… what kind of an evening can our audiences expect?
The playwright, Marie Jones, is known fo복부 지방흡입
r using humour – sometimes very dark humour, to explore serious ideas, and this play is no except팔 지방흡입
on. I’m pretty sure that our Caraigh – best-actor award winner at FEATS 2014, will bring the audiences from laughter to te허벅지안쪽지방흡입
ars, and hopefully back again! I can def전신지방흡입 가격
initely say I’ve enjoyed the journey with him and hope our Kraainem crowds will too.얼굴지방흡입

AfterFriel – October 2016

Come Home, James Gurr
ome Home, Ja복부성형수술
mes Gurr
A new play written and directed by Patrick Maher for the ITG
It is an emotional new play focusing on 복부성형후기
an Irish boy soldier’s experience of World War I and the boy’s mother’s attempts to bring her복부성형 효과
son home from a war he should not have been in.
We relate to the deep friendship of cousins James and Michael, as war changes them, too soon, from innocent, adventurous 복부성형 비용
boys to disillusioned men. We understand the deep void the boy’s absence 복부성형 방법
leaves in the parent’s relationship. We sympathise with the humanity caught in the trap of war.
Originally f중년뱃살
rom Kilkenny, writer and director, Patrick Maher, has worked for many years as a scriptwriter, most notably for Irish television’s drama serial “Fair City”. He has also wr30대다이어트
itten and directed a number of short films. In 2013, he co-produced the ITG’s production of “The Importance of Being Earnest” that pl40대다이어트
ayed at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels.
The play was staged at The Warehouse Studio50대다이어트
, Brussels, from 25-29 March 25, 2014스킨부스터

Come Home, James Gurr

An Béal Bocht (Nov 2013)
After Friel runs from Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th October at 20:00 at the Warehouse Studio Theatre
Brian Friel was not only a much acclaimed playwright but he also adapted and translated, faithfully and tenderly, the plays of others.
The ITG would like to bring you two such works; very different in their content, style and approach but clearly from the pen of the same writer with his recurring interest in how we try to reinvent ourselves and the convenient lies we tell to the world around us.
One ‘after Chekhov’, the other ‘after Macklin’ and now sadly, one year on from his death, ‘After Friel’.
The London Vertigo, an 18th century farce by Charles Macklin but now stripped down to its hilarious essentials and ‘After
play’, an extension to the lives of two characters from two different Chekhov plays who meet 20 years after their dramatic embodiments left the stage.
(The London Vertigo was ITG’s FEATS 2016 entry, where it picked up three awards: Best Production, Best Stage Presentation, and Best Actor – Sneak preview behind the scenes)韓國整形

Dolly West’s Kitchen (December 2014)

FEATS 2016

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